Results for 'J. Miguel Cisneros-Franco'

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  1.  44
    Dynamic Brains and the Changing Rules of Neuroplasticity: Implications for Learning and Recovery.Patrice Voss, Maryse E. Thomas, J. Miguel Cisneros-Franco & Étienne de Villers-Sidani - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Miguel Á. Granada; Patrick J. Boner; Dario Tessicini . Unifying Heaven and Earth: Essays in the History of Early Modern Cosmology. 351 pp., figs., index. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, 2016. €30. [REVIEW]Franco Giudice - 2018 - Isis 109 (2):394-395.
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    Modelo de modalidad mixta para la enseñanza en educación superior: Caso asignatura Derecho Mercantil II-sociedades mercantiles-(Mixed modality model for teaching in high education: Commercial Law II course case-trading societies).Cisneros González, Jesús Hilario & J. L. Abreu - 2008 - Daena 3 (2):225-285.
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  4. La unificación de la ciencia como acción social: Otto Neurath y John Dewey.J. Miguel Esteban - 2003 - Endoxa 17:227-249.
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  5. Pugna de poderes, crisis orgánica e independencia judicial.Ricardo Restrepo, Maria Helena Carbonell, Paúl Cisneros, Miguel Ruiz, John Antón, Antonio Salamanca & Natally Soria (eds.) - 2014 - IAEN.
    This work, in English "Struggle for power, organic crisis and judicial independence", has its origin in research academics of the IAEN carried out to provide expert advise to the Inter American Court of Human Rights in the case Quintana and others (Supreme Court of Justice) vs the State of Ecuador. The research is about the nature of the evolution of the ecuadorian state, the dynamics of its institutions, its players, parties, laws, its factors of instability, the way rights have been (...)
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    HOOKWAY, C. J., Truth, Rationality and Pragmatism. Themes from Peirce, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000, 313 pp. [REVIEW]J. Miguel Esteban - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico:518-520.
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    (1 other version)RESEÑA de : González García, Moisés. Filosofía y cultura. Madrid : Siglo XXI, 1992.J. Miguel Díaz Alvarez - 1994 - Endoxa 1 (3):363.
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    La recepción de la documentación árabe en los cartularios del Archivo Capitular de Toledo: traducciones y adaptaciones de cartas árabes entre el latín y el romance.Ruth Miguel-Franco - 2022 - Al-Qantara 43 (1):e10.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar los modos en los que la documentación árabe emitida por las notarías mozárabes de Toledo es incluida en dos cartularios elaborados en el scriptorium catedralicio: Toledo, Biblioteca Capitular, 42-20 (1190) y Madrid, Archivo Histórico Nacional, 987B (1257 p. q.). Estos volúmenes tienen en común que no copian las cartas árabes de forma literal, sino que las traducen y resumen. No obstante, también presentan diferencias importantes: mientras que Toledo, Biblioteca Capitular, 42-20 copia algunas firmas (...)
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    Cardiovascular medicine at face value: a qualitative pilot study on clinical axiology.Adalberto de Hoyos, Rodrigo Nava-Diosdado, Jorge Mendez, Sergio Ricco, Ana Serrano, C. Flores Cisneros, Carlos Macías-Ojeda, Héctor Cisneros, P. G. Barbara & B. J. Gilbert - 2012 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 7:14.
    IntroductionCardiology is characterized by its state-of-the-art biomedical technology and the predominance of Evidence-Based Medicine. This predominance makes it difficult for healthcare professionals to deal with the ethical dilemmas that emerge in this subspecialty. This paper is a first endeavor to empirically investigate the axiological foundations of the healthcare professionals in a cardiology hospital. Our pilot study selected, as the target population, cardiology personnel not only because of their difficult ethical deliberations but also because of the stringent conditions in which they (...)
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    Una Estrategia en la Búsqueda de Materiales.Miguel Ángel Alario Y. Franco - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_1):57-79.
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    Pensar à frente: corporeidade, desporto, ética, cultura e cidadania: estudos sobre Manuel Sérgio.Manuel Sérgio, José Eduardo Franco & Miguel Real (eds.) - 2021 - Porto: Afrontamento.
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    Predicativity through transfinite reflection.Andrés Cordón-Franco, David Fernández-Duque, Joost J. Joosten & Francisco Félix Lara-martín - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (3):787-808.
    Let T be a second-order arithmetical theory, Λ a well-order, λ < Λ and X ⊆ ℕ. We use $[\lambda |X]_T^{\rm{\Lambda }}\varphi$ as a formalization of “φ is provable from T and an oracle for the set X, using ω-rules of nesting depth at most λ”.For a set of formulas Γ, define predicative oracle reflection for T over Γ ) to be the schema that asserts that, if X ⊆ ℕ, Λ is a well-order and φ ∈ Γ, then$$\forall \,\lambda (...)
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    Emotion Understanding, Social Competence and School Achievement in Children from Primary School in Portugal.Maria da Glória Franco, Maria J. Beja, Adelinda Candeias & Natalie Santos - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Technologies for Cognitive Training and Cognitive Rehabilitation for People With Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia. A Systematic Review.Eider Irazoki, Leslie María Contreras-Somoza, José Miguel Toribio-Guzmán, Cristina Jenaro-Río, Henriëtte van der Roest & Manuel A. Franco-Martín - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Lipschitz and Wadge binary games in second order arithmetic.Andrés Cordón-Franco, F. Félix Lara-Martín & Manuel J. S. Loureiro - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (9):103301.
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    Modeling of social organizations: necessity and possibility.Raimundo J. Franco Parellada - 2002 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 4 (1-2):131-146.
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    Materia y significado. Una aproximación teórica.Marcos de J. Aguirre Franco - 2024 - Otrosiglo Revista de Filosofía 8 (1):63-82.
    Este artículo presenta una breve aproximación a uno de los problemas epistemológicos más importantes a los que se ha enfrentado tanto el materialismo como el fisicalismo, esto es, al problema del significado. Apelando a la ineludible necesidad de la interpretación, el presente acercamiento comienza con un análisis crítico sobre aquellos argumentos que intentan justificar que la materia mantiene una legítima autonomía con respecto a entidades metafísicas como el valor, el sentido y el significado. No obstante y con la finalidad de (...)
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    The Egg as a Semiotic Gateway to Reproduction.Franco Giorgi, Luis Emilio Bruni & Louis J. Goldberg - 2013 - Biosemiotics 6 (3):489-496.
    The egg behaves as a prospective cell sustaining the developmental processes of the future embryo. In biosemiotic terms, this apparent teleonomic behaviour can be accounted for without referring to the exclusive causal role played by its genetic makeup. We envision two different processes that are uniquely found in the oocyte: (1) the first involves the mechanisms by which large amounts of mRNA accumulate in the ooplasm to establish the embryo axes prior to fertilization; (2) the second involves transfer of an (...)
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  19. Liberté et égalité: la formation de la théorie démocratique chez Bobbio.Franco Sbarberi & J. Rolland - 1994 - Archives de Philosophie 57 (1):3-31.
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  20. Usability and User Experience of Cognitive Intervention Technologies for Elderly People With MCI or Dementia: A Systematic Review.Leslie María Contreras-Somoza, Eider Irazoki, José Miguel Toribio-Guzmán, Isabel de la Torre-Díez, Angie Alejandra Diaz-Baquero, Esther Parra-Vidales, María Victoria Perea-Bartolomé & Manuel Ángel Franco-Martín - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    IntroductionIncorporating technology in cognitive interventions represents an innovation, making them more accessible, flexible, and cost-effective. This will not be feasible without adequate user-technology fit. Bearing in mind the importance of developing cognitive interventions whose technology is appropriate for elderly people with cognitive impairment, the objective of this systematic review was to find evidence about usability and user experience measurements and features of stimulation, training, and cognitive rehabilitation technologies for older adults with mild cognitive impairment or dementia.MethodThe Medline, PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, (...)
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    The Happiness of “Those Who Lack the Use of Reason”.Miguel J. Romero - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (1):49-96.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Happiness of “Those Who Lack the Use of Reason”Miguel J. RomeroHuman beings would have been created uselessly and in vain were they unable to attain happiness, as would be the case with anything that cannot attain its ultimate end.(De Malo, q. 5, a. 1, ad 1)A STUDY OF “those who lack the use of reason” in the thought and spirit of St. Thomas Aquinas has much to (...)
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    Program to Promote Personal and Social Responsibility in the Secondary Classroom.Miguel A. Carbonero, Luis J. Martín-Antón, Lourdes Otero & Eugenio Monsalvo - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  23.  29
    The creation of the Knowledge Zone of Curaçao: the power of a vision.Miguel Goede, Rostam J. Neuwirth & G. Louisa - 2012 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 10 (1):52-64.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to present a case study of the creation of a Knowledge Zone in Curaçao to provide an insight into how a Knowledge Zone is established. After devising a vision, strategic alliances were formed. This created synergy and momentum, giving the project and process a life of their own.Design/methodology/approachThe project of creating a K‐Zone is based on a theoretical framework which draws upon the notion of a creative class, and how it can be attracted to (...)
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    RESEÑA de: Díaz Álvarez, Jesús Miguel. Husserl y la Historia : hacia la función práctica de la fenomenología. Madrid : UNED, 2003.Ignacio Castillo Franco - 2005 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:291.
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    Public Policy Modeling and Applications.Miguel A. Fuentes, Claudio J. Tessone & Bernardo A. Furtado - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-4.
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    Academic Performance of Native and Immigrant Students: A Study Focused on the Perception of Family Support and Control, School Satisfaction, and Learning Environment.Miguel A. Santos, Agustín Godás, María J. Ferraces & Mar Lorenzo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  27.  43
    Coming From Material Reality.Miguel Ferrero & J. L. Sánchez-Gómez - 2015 - Foundations of Science 20 (2):199-212.
    In a previous essay we demonstrated that quantum mechanical formalism is incompatible with some necessary principles of the mechanism conception still dominant in the physicist’s community. In this paper we show, based on recent empirical evidence in quantum physics, the inevitability of abandoning the old mechanism conception and to construct a new one in which physical reality is seen as a representation which refers to relations established through operations made by us in a world that we are determining. This change (...)
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  28.  21
    Una experiencia sobre la evaluación autónoma o participativa: autoevaluación y evaluación por los compañeros.Miguel Á Acedo & Francisco J. Ruiz-Cabestre - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_3):183-188.
    El presente trabajo muestra la experiencia de la puesta en práctica de la evaluación autónoma o participativa aplicada a los alumnos de LADE en un intento de conocer cómo perciben su participación en el proceso de evaluación, diferenciado entre autoevaluación y evaluación por los compañeros, y qué grado de objetividad tienen las calificaciones obtenidas a través de la autoevaluación y la evaluación por los compañeros frente a las otorgadas por el profesor. Los resultados de la experiencia revelan que la evaluación (...)
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    Una evaluación on-line a la demanda para el autoaprendizaje.Miguel Balbás, Agustín García-Berrocal, Cristina Montalvo & J. Ignacio Díaz de Villafranca - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_3):243-248.
    En la Escuela de Minas de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) se ha llevado a cabo el proceso de adaptación a los principios de Bolonia. Esto ha implicado cambios en la metodología de la enseñanza. En este artículo se describe una nueva metodología aplicada a un curso introductorio de Mecánica ubicado en el primer semestre del grado de dos diferentes títulos de ingeniería. Los diferentes resultados se presentan mediante un índice que permite evaluar el resultado global del proceso de (...)
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  30. Vida de Ramon Llull: les fonts escrites i la iconografia coetànies.Miguel Batllori, J. N. Hillgarth & Asociación de Bibliófilos de Barcelona (eds.) - 1982 - [Barcelona]: Associació de Bibliòfils de Barcelona.
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    Biocomplexity in the big thicket.J. Baird Callicott, Miguel Acevedo, Pete Gunter, Paul Harcombe, Christopher Lindquist & Michael Monticino1 - 2006 - Ethics, Place and Environment 9 (1):21 – 45.
    The Big Thicket is an ill-defined region of southeast Texas on the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico between the Trinity and Sabine rivers, not far from Houston. Because the biological-diversity...
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    A Hes1‐based oscillator in cultured cells and its potential implications for the segmentation clock.J. Kim Dale & Miguel Maroto - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (3):200-203.
    During somitogenesis an oscillatory mechanism termed the “segmentation” clock generates periodic waves of gene expression, which translate into the periodic spatial pattern manifest as somites. The dynamic expression of the clock genes shares the same periodicity as somitogenesis. Notch signaling is believed to play a role in the segmentation clock mechanism. The paper by Hirata et al.(1) identifies a biological clock in cultured cells that is dependent upon the Notch target gene Hes1, and which shows a periodicity similar to that (...)
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  33.  22
    Exploring Perceptions of Religion and Science among Turkish Academics.Miguel Farias, Thomas J. Coleman & Kenan Sevinç - 2021 - Studia Humana 10 (4):18-35.
    The religiosity of academics has been studied for over a decade. With few exceptions, this research has been conducted on American “elite” scientists, and data from non-Western countries is lacking. Drawing from psychological and sociological literature, the present exploratory study investigates the religiosity of Turkish academics and their perceptions on the relationship between religion and science, and associated variables such as interpretation of the Quran, and belief in evolution and creationism. Moreover, we address criticism directed at previous research by probing (...)
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    Prosocial Behavior and Friendship Quality as Moderators of the Association Between Anxious Withdrawal and Peer Experiences in Portuguese Young Adolescents.Miguel Freitas, António J. Santos, Olívia Ribeiro, João R. Daniel & Kenneth H. Rubin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Public Policy Modeling and Applications 2021.Miguel Fuentes, Claudio J. Tessone & Bernardo Alves Furtado - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-3.
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    Hypothalamic fatty acid metabolism: A housekeeping pathway that regulates food intake.Miguel López, Christopher J. Lelliott & Antonio Vidal-Puig - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (3):248-261.
    The hypothalamus is a specialized area in the brain that integrates the control of energy homeostasis. More than 70 years ago, it was proposed that the central nervous system sensed circulating levels of metabolites such as glucose, lipids and amino acids and modified feeding according to the levels of those molecules. This led to the formulation of the Glucostatic, Lipostatic and Aminostatic Hypotheses. It has taken almost that much time to demonstrate that circulating long‐chain fatty acids act as signals of (...)
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  37. Fermín De Urmeneta: "la Doctrina Psicológica Y Pcdagógica De Vives".J. C. A. Miguel & Staff - 1951 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 10 (38):561.
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    Financial Model for Universal Minimum Benefit for Spain.Noemi Pena Miguel, J. Inaki De la Peña Esteban & Ana Fernandez-Sainz - 2017 - Basic Income Studies 12 (1).
    The paper proposes a financial model suitable for ensuring the economic, financial and social sustainability of this basic protection. We have calculated the estimated cost for the Spanish population in 2010 and have estimated the cost for the following 12 years (three legislatures) under a range of demographic and economic assumptions. The results are then analysed to draw conclusions about the viability and sustainability of this basic social protection floor. A remarkable finding is that it is feasible to obtain greater (...)
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  39. Josefh Maréchal: "mélanges".J. H. Miguel & Staff - 1955 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 14 (55):606.
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  40. Los grupos europeos de comunicación. Estrategias y actuaciones en los 80.J. C. Miguel de Bustos - 1993 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 35.
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    Moral Consilience.Miguel Capó, Marcos Nadal & Camilo J. Cela-Conde - 2006 - Biological Theory 1 (2):133-135.
  42. Tree of life: Aquinas, disability and transhumanism.Miguel J. Romero & $R. Jason T. Eberl - 2023 - In Devan Stahl, Bioenhancement technologies and the vulnerable body: a theological engagement. Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press.
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    L’état actuel de la recherche sur le concile d’Elvire.Miguel J. Lázaro Sánchez - 2008 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 82:517-546.
    Peut-on continuer à considérer les canons d’Elvire comme appartenant à un seul concile ? L’historiographie française la plus répandue jusqu'a ce jour a répondu affirmativement à cette question. Depuis la fin du siècle dernier, on assiste a un débat très anime sur l’authenticité et l’unité des Actes dits d’Elvire. Les différentes thèses se partagent entre deux approches totalement opposées : l’une soutient l’unité des Actes, sans refuser qu’ils aient pu être remanies au cours de leur transmission historique ; l’autre, a (...)
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    Introduction: From scratch.Miguel Tamen, Wayne Andersen, Velcheru Narayana Rao, Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Ingrid D. Rowland, J. Paul Hunter & Yoke-Sum Wong - 2008 - Common Knowledge 14 (3):380-383.
    The essay discusses the presumption of one's singularity, the uniqueness of one's time, the picturesqueness of one actions, and the capacity of human beings, whether corporately or individually, to begin everything or indeed anything again from scratch. Such presumptions are indeed present in some varieties of contemporary fanaticism, but, more to the point, it is suggested that the feeling of doing something for the first time is the oldest feeling in the world.
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  45. La teoría de las necesidades humanas universales en Etzioni: reconstrucción y crítica.Miguel J. Llofríu Terrasa - 2012 - Diálogo Filosófico 84:73-89.
  46. Subjetivistas radicales Y hermenéutica en la escuela austríaca de economía1.Miguel Verstraete, Héctor J. Padrón, Jorge Martínez Barrera & Carlos I. Massini Correas - 1998 - Sapientia 53 (204):419.
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    On Franco-Ferraz, Theism and the Theatre of the Mind.Miguel A. Badía-Cabrera - 1990 - Hume Studies 16 (2):131-139.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:On Franco-Ferraz, Theism and the Theatre of the Mind MiguelA. Badia-Cabrera In "Theatre andReligiousHypothesis,"1 MariaFranco-Ferraz offersan eloquent and reasoned argument in favour ofa fresh and different sort of hermeneutic approach to the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion as a suitable means to disentangle the web of proverbially difficult philosophical questions posed by Hume in that work. In order to arrive at a coherent understanding ofthe Dialogues as a whole (...)
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    Generic Generalized Rosser Fixed Points.Dick H. J. de Jongh & Franco Montagna - 1987 - Studia Logica 46 (2):193-203.
    To the standard propositional modal system of provability logic constants are added to account for the arithmetical fixed points introduced by Bernardi-Montagna in [5]. With that interpretation in mind, a system LR of modal propositional logic is axiomatized, a modal completeness theorem is established for LR and, after that, a uniform arithmetical completeness theorem with respect to PA is obtained for LR.
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    On automorphisms of arbitrary mathematical systems.José Sebastião E. Silva & A. J. Franco de Oliveira - 1985 - History and Philosophy of Logic 6 (1):91-116.
    Translator's summary The translated paper is an extract, published in 1945, of an unpublished thesis, of both historical and technical import, dealing with notions of definability and their relation to invariance under automorphisms. The author develops a metamathematical Galois theory, and discusses and anticipates some aspects of higher-order model theory in an informal but conceptually rich manner.
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    Effects of Mindfulness Training on Sleep Problems in Patients With Fibromyalgia.Alberto Amutio, Clemente Franco, Laura C. Sánchez-Sánchez, María del C. Pérez-Fuentes, José J. Gázquez-Linares, William Van Gordon & María del M. Molero-Jurado - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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